Wednesday, December 5, 2012

That lump u get in you throat that doesn't go away....EVER

A couple days a go a fellow HGer posted in our HG group about "that lump you get in your throat" a bunch of us commented on it.
It's the impending doom lump.
It's food that gets pushed back up ur esophagus and sits there.
It's part of acid reflux.
It sucks!!
It's the waiting to vomit lump.

After feeling like crap ALL day with the impending doom lump and the multiple gagging and dry heaving episodes I had; I have to agree whatever the reason behind this damn lump, SUCKS!!!
This is a time where u (I) think vomiting would be so helpful right now! BUT it doesn't help! You still feel horrible after u puke. It's a damn double edged sword!!!

So this post is for all us girls with the vomit lump that isn't going up or down and is just hanging out to remind us we feel like CRAP! Hats off to us girls.....hats off to us!!!

On a side note, tonight I bought colace. I had to!!! I didn't want to add another pill to my arsenal but sitting on the crapper forever just isn't doing it anymore.

Until Later

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