Thursday, December 20, 2012

No please don't give me C-Diff!!!

This cold/tonsil crap is horrible!!! I feel so bad! I have had a non stop migraine at the base of my skull on the left side. And my left eye is pulling again. I haven't had these symptoms in soooo long!!! In over a month easily. And then something so "little" causes it all to come back. I'm trying to eat but it's hard as I feel so nauseous all the time. It's like I'm regressing! Blah!!!

The antibiotic the PCP gave me has me freaking out because it is widely known for causing C-diff! And I am really freaking out about that. My anxiety is pretty hog with the migraine pain and this med!! If u don't know what C-diff is, google it, then wish u didn't!!! Lets just say slimey, bloody diarrhea, that's very catchy!!! And not good for pg women!!! I had the hubs get me some yogurt. Because of the good bacteria in it. To help replenish what this antibiotic is stripping out of my belly!!! Well, it's been over a year since I have eaten yogurt. I used to really like yogurt.....yeah not so much anymore! I gagged it down. I haven't had any milk products except for hard cheeses in a VERY long time!!! And now my belly is doubly upset!

Why can't I just have a normal pregnancy! I know it seems like I am whining today, but ugh....lets get this over with. Every day longer with these symptoms, makes me realize its one day LONGER I'm having this wicked HG! It just won't take a hint!!! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE HG!!!! You can leave at ANY time!!!!

This whiner is going to bed. Yes I know it's only 3:49pm....I'm well aware!!!

Until Later

1 comment:

  1. I took three of those darn antibiotics and I am feeling the effects Today!!!! Sunday!!!!! BLECH!! I am glad I stopped taking them. They made me feel yucky AND now stomach upset and the poops!!! AWESOME!!
    PS my throat is feeling 85% better.


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