Thursday, December 13, 2012

8pm "ENOUGH"

I have decided that at 7:59pm every night I should just go asleep and wake up in the morning. EVERY NIGHT at 8pm my body says, "ENOUGH!!" And decides to go into 75% HG mode! Most nights it's gagging, not full dry heaves, but on occasion, the heaves visit. The headache becomes excruciating, the heartburn (my newest ailment) is turned on high, and every sound and smell just hurts.
I know I am soooo close to 20 weeks, and I'm very happy about that. But let's be realistic, I have a little OVER 20 weeks to go! I just want this to be OVER!!
Just how fast could the rest of this pregnancy go if I skipped 8pm-7am of every day?!

Dear Baby, I love u very much! So does your dad and ur big sis too! We will all be VERY excited when u are ready to show up!! (Just as long as it isn't between 8pm and 7am as I am skipping those hours to try and not be sick)

Until Later

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