Thursday, December 6, 2012

Orthostatic Blood Pressure = Vomiting, Oh Yeah!

My nurse appointment today was interesting today! I went in for a weight check, another maintained weight check!! Woot woot!! What happened after was the interesting part! I had to do a UA no biggie, I've done tons of those.

Went into the office and the nurse wanted to check my orthostatic blood pressure. That means taking a blood pressure laying, then sitting, then standing. Long story short....orthostatic BP = Joleen vomiting!!! Yeah not my finest hour! By the time I was standing the room was already spinning! I had to lean back on the exams table. It was horrible!! The poor nurse! And it didn't just come right out, it was a production!!! Of the finest I may add, it started with gagging then dry heaving. This is when I got the look and she got a puke bag for me. Puke bags have small openings. A few more dry heaves and I could just tell my safe food (peanut butter on white bread) was coming up....oop, yep, there it was. Most of it in the puke bag. They need to have buckets. The nurse had left by this time (I'm glad she did) I was a bawling, blubbering, vomiting idiot. The whole damn clinic could hear me vomiting! I'm sure they LOVED that. Once I was done, I ever so slowly made my way to the sink and rinsed my mouth. Ugh...residual dry favorite!! I had my head so far in the sink I think it was resting on the bottom.
I got back to the exam table and just lay there. How embarrassing! (Welcome to HG) after about 5 mins of me being quiet in the room the nurse came in with the IV and the ever so recognizable IV start kit. Complete with its own blue band to cut the circulation off in my arms while they try to decide which crappy vein might work. I always tell the which one to use, but they always try to find a "better" one. Well....they always come back :) anyway, she got it started and I just asked her to lower the head of the exam table because I needed to sleep. Again, the puzzled look of," u are gonna sleep on this, right here?"
I didn't say these words out loud but I said them in my head, "yes sweetie, when u have HG and u just heaved your guts out the only thing u and ur body want to do is curl up into a ball and sleep. It doesn't matter if its the bathroom floor, the hallway, ur bed, a gurney, or the exam table in the clinic. Must sleep now."
She lowered the head of the table and turned the lights out. BEAUTIFUL pitch black, quiet, and cold! Brrrrrr! The nurse read my mind. She was back in with a blanket. I closed my eyes and was out!
They checked on me periodically and the IV site to make sure it wasn't kinked. I kept my eyes closed the whole time.
When I was done they had me try to go to the bathroom and report what it looked like. Light yellow like it should be :)
I thanked them and was on my way home....that is another post.

Until Later


  1. Ugh! Sorry you had to go through that...this reminds of me of the time I threw up the glucose drink for the GB test. I didn't make it to the bathroom or trashcan in time so I puked all over the hallway in front of the elevators. So embarrassing! Hope you're having a better day today.

    1. Oh Mimi!!! Yikes! :( I have quite a few weeks before my GD test. I will be bringing a gallon ziploc with me for sure when I do it!! Thanks for the heads up!

    2. Oh Mimi!!! Yikes! :( I have quite a few weeks before my GD test. I will be bringing a gallon ziploc with me for sure when I do it!! Thanks for the heads up!


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