Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I made it Facebook Official

I didn't plan on it, but talking with a fellow HGer awhile back she said putting her HG out there was the best thing she did. I contemplated that for awhile...she said it helped her have more support. On days when she was beyond depressed or even just randomly people would post on her page happy thoughts, give prayers, etc. and she appreciated it all! I can see how that could help!!! In a lot of ways it's similar to my blog.

Tonight I made my pregnancy FB official and tomorrow I will make it HG official. I'm contemplating making my blog FB official, but I think I HAVE to to spread the word about HG.

I want to thank you all (new and old) who continue to read this. It is very therapeutic and I am happy to share this part of my life with you.

I'm off to bed, I've taken all my meds and an extra sleeper. The nausea just isn't subsiding tonight. It really doesn't help I have a crap load of snot draining down my throat!!! Pleasant huh??? Mmmm.... Glad you've finished eating! Lol

Merry Christmas Everyone

Until Later

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