Sunday, December 30, 2012

MEDS....I forgot I wanted to post this!!

So here is a picture of, i think, everything I am taking. I'm going to try and list everything without looking at the pic:
Unisom 25mg paired with 25-50mg B6 (take at bed time)
Prenatal gummies x2 (take whenever)
5 million strain probiotic 1/8 tsp (mix in a protein drink or yogurt whenever)
Vitamin B complex 50mg of most everything in there (take at night)
Stool softener paired with 33mg iron pill. My gummy prenatals don't have iron. And zofran causes consto like NO OTHER!!
Generic Zantac 75 I try to only take when needed. No more than 2 a day
Generic zofran (odansatron) 12-16 mg a day. Typically every 4 hrs I take 4mg. These past 2 days tho I've skipped my morning pill ;) yay!!!
Tylenol up to 1000mg every 8 hours. I don't take this often as it doesn't seem to help for aches and pains etc.
so what is that?? 10 or so different things I am taking.
Last pregnancy I only too my prenatals and an occasional tums. CRAZY what HG does to a person!!
Ok going to bed now!!!

Until Later

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