Thursday, December 27, 2012

Lets try mashed potatoes again

I came home from work sick today. :( ugh...I had stopped and got food prior to work and couldn't eat it. I couldn't even drink the root beer :( that's when u know it bad :(
I made it home and my wonderful parents offered to keep chitlin overnight!!! (Thank you Lord) I dropped off extra clothes and jammies at their house and gave Chitlin lots of hugs and kisses!!! I love that kid! She looked at me and said, "mom, r u sick again?" Ugh defeated! I gave her a big hug and tons of kisses on her cheek and just squeezed her!

I made it home with my head spinning my left side throbbing, and my left eye closed. Yikes, crawled into bed and just lay there. I couldn't do anything. Everything hurt, and the room spinning. Nausea runs rampant when I feel like this and the anxiety hits because I never know if I am going to throw up.
I knew I needed to eat something so I asked, no, told my hubs to make me instant mashed potatoes WITHOUT salt! He looked at me like I was crazy, "no salt?!?!"
"Yes, NO, NADA, SALT!"
And yes, he made them right ;) I was able to eat them. Still nothing to drink tho. Gonna try again in a little bit take my meds and sleep.

Positive note for the night:
Baby girl doesn't like it when this mama lays on her tummy. Why is this positive??? Cuz I get wonderful baby kicks to give me reminders of why all this suffering is worth it.

Until Later

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