Friday, December 21, 2012

It's a........

We had our anatomy scan today. Seems like everything is good I'm 20w4d and baby is measuring 20w3days. I'm so relieved as I was so worried the baby would be small.

Of course I had to have a big production upon entering the office my HG in full force!! I have never seen a woman run so fast to get me something to vomit in!!! I was dry heaving so bad!!! My left arm is tight and my leg numb. Just like when I was 14-15 weeks or so. I never did actually vomit, but I sooooo could have :/

The US Tech was great and showed us all the measurements and explained a lot of things to us. I'm very thankful for that. We even got to see the umbilical cord going into the placenta and baby!!! She said its very rare to have them so close to each other to take a pic that way :)
Baby was VERY shy and didn't want to show off the "goods" finally babes moved and we got confirmation that we are in fact having a GIRL!!!! Yay!!!!! Super excited. The US tech was very sensitive to my HG also and would ask if I was okay or if we needed to stop. I didn't want to stop I just wanted it over with!!! I think she was afraid I was going to vomit on her, and for good reason too!!!

I made it home I'm in bed in the dark posting from my iPod. I am afraid to move as I don't want to vomit. It's been 3 weeks!! 3 freakin weeks since I vomited! I really thought THIS horrible feeling would be gone by now. Guess I'm the lucky one to have HG for the whole duration. Lucky me! I just wish it wouldn't roller coaster...I can't handle the "bad" days when I have had "doable" days.
Well the hubs is home so I am going to try and sleep. Hopefully tmrw I can post some pictures for u all.

Until Later

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