Sunday, December 9, 2012

Can't even think of a title

I feel so horrible! I have south I want to type but, ugh, I just feel like absolute poop!!

1. Pretty sure this is what debilitating heartburn feels like!! (Damn root beer)
2. If I could puke I would feel soo much better!! (No, I won't and thinking that doesn't help)
4. I have the "lump" in my throat.
5. My belly really does hurt!!
6. I have a headache that won't quit.
7. My left arm hurts like normal.
8. This list could keep going, but I don't want to seem like a whiner.

I'm 19 weeks today. SOME literature suggests that HG goes away by 20 weeks. Wanna start taking bets??!!! I can set up a pool. Split the pool, 50 cents a square. I'm guessing the odds are against me.

I've taken my 8mg of zofran, and I'm waiting to take my unisom/B6, because I'm afraid it will just come back up. Man, I'm a Debbie Downer tonight aren't I!! YUCK!!

I typically describe HG as your worst hangover time 10 and lasting 24/7. I figure that's pretty accurate as u are constantly nauseous and the vomiting really depends. And u don't always feel like u can eat, loud noises, lights, and smells effect u. So, I figure that's a pretty good interpretation!!!

Tonight I read comparing it to food poisoning. I can see that comparison as well. It's not nearly as fun, and most likely with food poisoning you have it coming outta both ends, eh, I shouldn't really say much since I have had that quite a few times already ;)

Okay, time for my meds I gotta get to bed. Tmrw, I need to work! tough! I can do it, I have to do it, I don't have a choice. I need to buy some generic Zantac, I need to nap (even if it is in my truck. Don't laugh, I've done it before!) I need to...hmmm...I can't remember...oh right, check the news to make sure the Packers won tonight!! LOVE me some Packers!!!! Don't be a hater.... :)

Until Later

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