Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas at Grandma's

I made it the 2.75 hour drive there without difficulty! Woot woot!!! Had a good night with the hubs, chitlin, a grandma. I just took it slow and enjoyed the time.
Saturday was nice too. The hubs dad and step mom and their girls (labs), came up and we all had dinner together. It was nice to again be able to sit down with family and thoroughly enjoy a meal with no major ramifications!!!
On the drive home I did get pretty nauseous and spent most of the drive with my eyes closed. Wasn't able to sleep. I tried really hard to sleep, but just couldn't. When I got home I lay on the couch and sip some water and have my eyes closed.
Hoping that this nausea will pass!!! But hey, no vomiting so yay!!!!

PS 20 weeks tomorrow!!! I can't believe I have made it this far!! If u asked me at week 13 if I was gonna make it to 20 weeks, I would have told u yes, but would have thought in my head, "there's no way it is going to happen!!"

Yay 20 weeks, and yay for a couple good days in a row! I hope the continue.

Until Later

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