Monday, March 3, 2014

HG Helper and update

I was asked last week by Lyle at Beyond Morning Sickness to help out a fellow HG mom in my area. I was HONORED!! I of course said YES right away! I'm very excited to be part of this circle :) 
The HG family is so small so to continue to be a part of it is great!! 

Update on the Fam: chitlin is still loving school and we started her in swim lessons!! She loves it!! Baby girl is 10 months and taking steps here and there by herself!!! I think about where I was a year ago....what a difference!!! Hubby is doing well. And Me, yes Me!!! I'm hanging in there!! :D I'm working full time and making it through the days! I am happy and working through my continued anxiety. I once read it takes 3 months to heal from HG for every month you are sick!! Well if that is the case of the 27 months I have 10 down!!! :) 

I also have just joined a local HG group. Who knew there are/were others out there sooo close to me!!! Yay we are not alone :) high five girlies!!! We did it!!! 

Until later