Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thank you, (takes a bow, is overwhelmed), Thank you

I just need to say that this girl is very overwhelmed by all the support that has been given the last 2 days. it is very humbling. When you have HG you feel VERY alone, and with all my great friends, I know that I won't be anymore! (not that i was Truly alone before either, but you tend to isolate yourself for fear of vomiting all over someone, their car, their dinner plate, the get the idea.  LOL!!! I mean, if you can get your butt out of bed! i worked. it was interesting.  i had to keep reminding the kiddo that i was working with that even tho my belly doesn't look like there is a baby in there....THERE IS A BABY IN THERE!!! she kept giving me huge bear hugs, which I LOVE, but....OUCH...and Baby girl...yeah, she wasn't to fond of the squeezing either. 

I went to the local co-op store and got my Vitamin B complex and then an additional pantothenic acid (B5). I did really good value wise =D. I made a stop at my parents (will blog about this after), and then went home. I opened the vitamins, took em down and THEN looked at the info on the back. I had looked at it at the store too, but NOT nearly as close as I SHOULD have! OH Dear LORD!!!

So I got the lower end B Complex just 50mg of each and then the 500mg of B5. I am thinking in my head I can take up to 6grams of B5 this will be good start with 1 a day and go up to 2 and prolly stay right around there. Yeah....WRONG! LOL!!! its 6 MILLIGRAMS not GRAMS!!! OMG! now that is if you are absorbing it correctly and chances are I AM NOT! but still, I just dropped $25 bucks on Vitamins that are "too potent" for me. BLAHHHHHHHH!!!!! only I would do that! But then I started thinking, can't be that potent if they sell it in 500mg capsules. you are interested in them, I will send them to you free of charge! they are all yours. no joke!

So, I will be finishing off the B complex as it was just 50mg of the B vitamins except for some of the others. and I will take that until it is gone, then lower my does to the other, unless I start to get the hershey squirts. WHICH is one of the side effects of too much B5. But it said you would need like 10 grams of that to happen and it is water soluble so your body just dumps it.

Onto the next part of my post tonight....Christmas gifts. My MIL was very gracious as she is every year to supply us with much needed toilet paper, paper towel, dishwasher tabs, kleenex, and wiper fluid for our cars, along with some other fun items. This year was like no other. The chitlin got spoiled like always! She loved every min of it!

My aunt gave me a gift for Christmas that I hope to hand down through the generations. As she has done for me.  It is a figurine of an old woman selling Balloons. Yes, I know it sound enthralling doesn't it?!!?!?!?! but really it is the meaning behind the actual figurine. For as long as I can remember this figurine sat in my Grandparents' house, it belonged to my Grandma. And for as long as I remember I LOVED looking at it and knowing it was in the house. I was never allowed to play with it as it was breakable...and I was a clumsy 5 year old! LOL!!! anyway....I have been in LOVE with this figurine for the better half of 27 years! 
The hubs hands me a wrapped box and I open it. David's Cookies??? umm...that's weird...I like cookies, but why would she give me cookies? the tape looked original...It was not! I couldn't get the tape off so Hubs gets it open and opens the flaps for me and hands me the box. I glance in the box and I INSTANTLY start to bawl! Hubs freaks out, "What's wrong?? What's in the box? What just happened???" he is clueless...My mom who knows the whole story is watching and begins to laugh; I believe to cover up her own emotions. I am speechless, bawling looking at this figurine that I can just make out through the bubble wrap.  Chitlin comes over and looks and says, "Its just soap mom!" yes there were 2 bars of FABULOUS french milled soap in the box as well. LOL only Chitlin would be able to make me smile! LOL. My mom then proceeds to call my aunt and hands me the phone. I am in no way shape or form able to talk. I am speechless and still bawling. 
The significance of this figurine is my grandma. It was her, It was her telling me that I AM going to make it through this HG, and I AM going to have a healthy baby girl and, I have all the support I need. Whew....Emotional coaster right here folks.....i prolly cried for 15 mins. The hubs still confused but by this time was sucked into the TV as no one was answering his questions, and hey, my parents have cable, we don't! LOL!!! Take advantage. 

My aunt and I talked tonight. She told me she was about my age (32) when my grandma gave her that figurine.  And she just knew that the time was right to pass it along. The significance is there, my grandma is here. I am so happy, and I am happy to let you all know that we will be naming baby girl after my Grandma! This was decided prior, but COASTER.....and I don't mean like the "Whizzer" at six flags, you all know the one I am talking about....I mean roller coaster"Shockwave" anyway...
Thank you all for your continued support of me and my family. It is soooo appreciated and VERY humbling.

ahhhh 10:35! I gotta get to bed! I work in the what's that! Wish me luck I feel well in the morning. 

Oh my gosh, i almost forgot the picture of the figurine. This is one i grabbed off the net. 

Until Later

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