Monday, December 3, 2012

My New OB Appointment, Pizza, and Anxiety

New OB
I had my appointment today with my New OB. I am going to make this was AWESOME!!! He is a GREAT doc and I am very glad that I found him on the referral site. my only regret is that i didn't switch sooner!!! He has a standing order for me for IV fluids as I need them at the clinic. So Monday thru Friday 8-5 I can call and go in when ever I need to to get fluids. weekends I would still need to go to the ER but I will be proactive and get them before. I am so thankful that I have a doctor who cares about my baby and me. Its about time! SOOOOO Happy!!! Baby is doing well. Heart beat 144-150, and my fondal height is right on at 18. Which is funny because of my weight loss, I am still in my regular pants.  The medical assistant today even made a comment today, "18 weeks and still in regular pants, Nice" Um...yes it is that i have saved money on maternity clothes, BUT...losing 20 pounds, Not so cool!

my husband needs to learn to cook frozen pizza in garage or something, OMG!!! the stench is HORRIBLE!!! I am actually gagging, and I haven't done that in a few days!!! BLECH, BARF, PUKE, it is so gonna happen. =X

so even with a good doc appointment today anxiety can still rear its ugly head. I'm having some left side pain, tightness and tingling. I hate it because it always triggers my anxiety, due to my "stroke like" experience...which my new OB thinks was an ULTIMATE HG FAIL! he said he thinks it was due to extreme dehydration and malnutrition. I guess it fits. I believe him, as he is the only doctor that has actually talked to me about the episode. (even though he was not there) anyway....the thought of it happening again is always there, it doesn't leave. and add this with the smell of PIZZA.....and the dry heaving....yuck!!!

Going to take my meds, set up my sleep cycle on my ipod and off to sleep. I have been in bed since 7. I dozed off a few times, but didn't want to miss my med time....Missing meds equals LOTS of vomiting and I just don't want that....NO THANK YOU!!!!!!

Until Later

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