Thursday, January 24, 2013

I can't wait....

Until I'm not pregnant anymore!!! Not only for the obvious reasons, but as soon as I am baby free I am going to request a referral to the neurologist!
There is still a part of me that doesn't believe that my left side only symptoms are only pregnancy related.

It doesn't really make sense to me that pregnancy would only cause me to have a migraine on my left side of my skull, or only my left eye would have pressure behind it OR the one affected eye with eyelash dandruff/a sty!! Yes I still have that!!! Ugh!!! Or that only my left shoulder hurts almost constantly, or that my tricep and bicep and deltoid become cold and numb. OR that ONLY my left leg mid shin to my foot goes numb almost daily. Well all these symptoms occur daily... Some days worse than others, but really can pregnancy be so one sided??!!!
Based on "all the tests" I had originally, no one can confirm anything besides pregnancy. Which is why I want a repeat MRI or a CT scan of my head after the baby is born. Call me crazy or tell me I have some form of health anxiety, but after feeling like I had a stroke 19 weeks ago then dealing with all this HG...I believe ANYTHING is possible and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Currently my biggest anxiety trigger or fear is that something horrible is going to happen during labor: I pass out, I have a stroke, I have an aneurysm blow, I have to have an emergency c section, or something worse. I don't know?! But the anxiety is surely getting to me :/ ugh!!!
Who knows, maybe IT IS all pregnancy related, and maybe Pregnancy can be biased and only affect 1 side....who knows???

Feeling very barfy today. Didn't wake up that way...woke up to chitlin in my bed watching PBS kids! Felt good until about 10. I haven't been able to recover since. Blech! I'm gonna try to nap before working later. Maybe chitlin will snuggling in with me!! That would be awesome!

Until Later

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