Saturday, February 16, 2013

Oh boy.....just call me nauseous.

Unbelievable!!! I can't even believe how grossly nauseous I am right now!! And where it comes from??? Seriously outta no where!!! I was gaggy earlier, but now, I'm just down right nauseous. I can feel it in my chest, my throat, my eyes, the back of my skull. It just takes over. I'm in the living room on the chair, and I can't even move to go to bed. Watching my right thumb type this is enough to blech.... I'm done for the night. Gonna get up in a few mins and take my meds and try to sleep. Hope the nausea isn't too much.
78 days!!! 78 freaking days!! Oh side note, I told the hubs that today, 78 days...his response, "that's still a long ways away! It's more than 2 months! I coulda belted him!! Lol :) rule number 1 about HG NOTHING is a long ways away!!! Everything is one day closer!! Boy did he get an earful he wasn't expecting ;) lol poor guy! 78 days and he won't have to worry ;) lmao!!

Until Later

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