Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eye doc today

Went to the eye doc today to see if she could give me some answers about my left eye symptoms...she came back with I have 20/20 vision and the inside of my eyes look good. They gave me a visual field test.
Has anyone done one of these?? It took about 7 mins an eye, and it was really stressful!! They patch one eye and u stare at this orange light and then they flash all these lights and ur head is in this dome thing. Then u click a button when u see a light. Then u switch eyes. I was stressed doing it because my eyes kept going out of focus and dry and I wanted to look around but I couldn't!!! Apparently I did ok on it.
She asked my history and why I was coming there and I filled her in, she said, have u seen a neurologist? I about died! How long have I been saying I need to want to see one? So today started the process of seeing a neurologist.
Step 1 call the neurology office: "please tell me how to get an appointment at ur office"---check
Step 2 call my primary doc's nurse--make appt for Thurs to tell him I WANT a referral for a neurologist in the BIG CITY!! I am not screwing around anymore!! ---partial check
Step 3 call ins company tmrw to check referral status needed from them
Step 4 call back neurology office with all the info I have!!!

Ill keep u all posted! I'm exhausted tonight, and will be going to bed shortly. Will have to take my meds a bit early so I don't have to wake up later to take them.

Until Later

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