Monday, April 1, 2013

Today=epic fail!!!

Did I have that title already??? I'm sure I have. I am so beyond sick it's not even fathomable. My HG is running top speed, I have a migraine from hell where EVERYTHING hurts, my left side is numb tonight and I feel like there is an elephant on my chest!! All going hand in hand. I spent most of the morning at work sitting in the back office with the lights low and tears just streaming down my face. Talked to my nurse, she sent me home. Got home and spent the afternoon barfing and dry heaving. AWESOME!!! NOT!!!
I'm so uncomfortable I can even put it in words. And no matter how hard I try to explain it or tell u what I'm going through, it will always be hard for u to grasp the true concept unless u have been there. I appreciate every one if u that read this!!i really do because I know u care. And yeah recently it has become a lot more of a downer blog, but I'm trying!! I really am!!! I just need to get over this huge mountain in my way.
Tmrw, I am going in BEGGING for an induction. Not to have it tmrw, because no one wants to have their baby end up in the NICU. Women don't think, "hey, I want a sick baby"
But because of all my issues I am having....I just need this to be done. I'd like to split the difference with him and pick April, 20,2013. Only cuz it's Chitlin's bday and I think she'd LOVE that. AND I will be 37 weeks almost 38!!
But I'm willing to go 38 wks and choose the 22. I just need my baby and get out of this hell!!!!
I'll keep u posted!!!

Until Later

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