Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Anxiety, anxiety, and more anxiety!!!

Anxiety is such a crippling beast, and then u pair it with pregnancy and multiple other health factors and u r just in a pool of quick sand.
Recently my tachycardia is more elevated causing my anxiety to go up as well as my shortness of breath and chest pain not classic chest pain, but a difference in feeling for sure. It has my anxiety wound so tight that the last couple nights I've only slept 2-3 hours. I try to go to sleep or back to sleep for that matter and I can't. I have thoughts racing through my head. Typically based on how I'm feeling. If I lay on my left side my chest has added pressure, same with my right except that I'm cutting the circulation of in my arms, and forget about sleeping on my back!! The and restless legs are ridiculous!!! So with all the chest pressure, I know my heart is okay, but I constantly worry about a pulmonary embolism. It's not too far fetched, and they do happen. But it is my go to thought every time I have shallow breathing or shortness of breath etc.... What a horrible thought to have!! Blech!!! I'm really over anxiety and even more over this pregnancy!!!

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