Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Occipital nerve block and pg update :)

Yep, I had that done today!!! Ouch!!! I sat in a chair, the neuro felt around the back of my head to see where it hurt. Stuck the needle in, pulled it out a bit, stuck it back in, repeatx4. OUCH!!! He was pulling my hair, and it was just ridiculous. Then when he was done he put some pressure on it and wiggled his fingers around in it to disburse the steroid and laticane. It was "numb" for about 10 mins, then the stiffness started. But the constant aching pain at the base of my skull...gone!!! Hope it stays gone. I have a recheck next week and he said he could do it again if needed. hope is I'm having a baby!!! So I won't need to go until after ;) lol!!!
Fingers crossed!!!!

So baby update may be a bit TMI for some of u: I was woken up last night 4-5x with really strong contractions!! Enough to take my breath away and make me wanna vomit! Thank goodness I didn't!! Then this morning I lost huge chunks of my mucus plug. Ugh, such a gross word, but very descriptive!!! So needless to say, my body is progressing!! I can't wait until my appointment on the 15th to see if I have dilated anymore. I'm guessing I have, because I get those "awesome" cervix shocks!! Ouch! They zap ya when u least expect it. Lol oh the joys rights???
My HG has been somewhat forgiving this week. Monday was yucky with dry heaves and Sunday night, but so far....doing better. I hope it stays that way!!

Was going to work on packing my hospital bag, but...meh, didn't do it. The most I got done was putting baby girls take home outfit in the laundry to be washed. Lol I'd say that's a pretty big step!

So tonight, I'm blogging from the tub, yeah u read that right, the tub. I got in okay, but now I'm worried I can't get out. I guess I'll be hollering for the hubs to attempt to help me get out! Lol maybe just showers from now on!! Lmao!!! Good lord, watch out beached whale ;)

Until Later

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