Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Doctor appt went well today!!

My doc appointment went well today. Got in got my vitals, BP good, pulse 120 resting :/ that's nothing new tho. Lol

I asked the doc if he would strip my membranes. He said yes. Whoo that hurt more then I remembered it with my first!!! I'm just hoping it will work. I've had some minor cramping, but nothing major. But then again I never had contractions with chitlin until after my water broke and even then they were very few! So this might work! ;) and it might not.

Doc also brought up induction. I was so excited!! He said he we call the hospital and see when they can schedule me!!!! So if this baby girl doesn't come before the 28th then I will be going in on the 29th!!! I need to call at 6am on the 29th to ask when they can schedule me. Typically the doc says its at 7 unless they have to many other women scheduled. then I will come in later. I cannot believe that within 6 days I will become a mom of 2 and we will go from a family of 3 to a family of 4!! So excited.

Ironically today was probably one of the worst nausea days I have had in weeks! And I mean dry heaving and thought I was going to lose it in the car!! I didn't so that's good!!! Migraine is pretty steady too but I'm hoping sleeping will help!!

Until Later

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