Sunday, April 28, 2013

Crappy night!!!

It is JUST 1am and I have been woken up 3x by my freaky fast HR, not being able to breathe, and panic!!! Great!!! I'm in for a long night. I wonder what I do differently during the day that causes this....I don't really think anything....maybe it's sleep apnea??!!! Idk, I'm just grasping at straws here and I just want them to stop because they are not helping my anxiety AT ALL!!! I'm sorry, but it down right puts me in a shear panic about why does this happen? What causes it, what are the effects of this happening?? Is this hurting my baby?? Is this brain related??? Ugh...I'm done. 1 more day!!! If I can make it 1 more day. Ugh now I'm getting barfy... So not cool!!

Until Later

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