Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hormones don't mix with tachycardia AT ALL!!!

So, I'm laying here trying to figure out this whole crappy tachycardia crap, not getting anywhere and realize that I never called Chitlin to say good night to her. She's spending the night at my parents. And it's too late to call now. :( so then my hormones take over and I'm crying. Crying at 10:10pm cuz I didn't call chitlin to tell her I love her. Then the stupid anxiety kicks in because not only is my Pulse elevated, but my chest AND back hurt. Ugh!!!! So now I'm anxiety ridden, tears streaming down my face, my chest hurts, I'm ultimately thinking I'm not gonna "make it" and all I wanna do is tell chitlin I love her.
I really need this pregnancy over, I need my HG to be gone, I need all this medical crap to be DONE with!!' All of it. I physically just can't take it anymore. I'm a blubbering pathetic bag of hormones that can't keep he own crap together!!! Wtf???
24 days to go and I seriously feel worse now than I have in months!!! I'm not in my dark days, but lord knows I'm close!!
I am going to call the nurse tomorrow and just let her know how the week went and how I'm feeling now. NOT GOOD!!! NOT GOOD AT ALL!!!
I hope they can do something soon!!! I mean like super soon.
I don't understand how in this day and age women are still dealing with these types of pregnancy problems!!! I can see why so many women died while carrying a child or during childbirth!!! Unbelievable.
I'm gonna see if some Zantac will help me with this pain. It could very well ne heartburn as well. Who knows??!!!

On a positive note, my occipital nerve block seems to have been successful!!' I have had no headache or base of the skull pain since I have had it. The back of my head/neck is stiff a bit, but I'm chalking that up to the steroid itself and the actual injection. Kinda like how a tetanus shot hurts so bad!!! Yeah, that's what I'm guessing it is. It is better today that it was yesterday tho. High 5!

Okay this whine bag is gonna take some Zantac, google heartburn, try to find a comfortable position to sleep in, and TRY to sleep. The legs are already jumping around so I better get out the rubbing alcohol as well and rub them down. Seems to be the only thing to help at this point in time.

Until Later

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