Saturday, March 2, 2013

Visitor =-) and Neurology paperwork

My cousin, Abbi came to visit today!!! I was so happy to see her. Unfortunately after a bit, I started feeling really shitty. i had a bad pain in my chest, it got all hot and spread around. And then i couldn't think of my words I wanted to say. So a little of anxiety hit me but then I got really nauseous and sat in my parents' bathroom for awhile because I wasn't sure if I was gonna barf or not. I didn't. But it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was ready to go to bed. I stuck it out and I smiled and kept talking. But man, I was dying.  She headed out to hang with some friends and said she would swing by tomorrow to say goodbye. =-) I was happy to see her!

After she left, I lay on the couch for a bit and just tried to regulate my body again. I was all whacked out. =( I got to a point where I felt okay, and I started to read and fill out my paperwork that I got from the Headache clinic (neurology referral) after reading through this paperwork, it is apparent to me that my small town nurse DID NOT explain to the BIG CITY nurse my exact issue of why i needed this referral EVEN THOUGH MY REFERRAL SAID LEFT SIDED NUMBNESS.... but I digress.....a neurologist is a neurologist at this point. I am happy for anyone to see me. I started to fill out the paperwork, when did your headaches start? what are they like now? what drugs have you tried? explain the pain etc.

So, yes I have headaches, and yes I would say that I have had the occasional migraine during this pregnancy. BUT....My left sided affectedness of numbness and tingling along with my eye issue and the pain at the left side of the base of my skull (yes this can be considered a headache) isn't what I define as a headache, and Doesn't fit into or onto their headache questionnaire.   what does one do???  Well...this ONE, types up a 4 page "report" of her initial "stroke like experience," and what has happened since then. (this was super emotional for me to type up and go through it again, my anxiety went through the roof tonight and I had a really hard time with it.) I also include a table on meds I was taking up until my referral date and now my current meds. I did some research on B6 and I think I could have had too much in my system. anyway....and then I included my 2 excel worksheets of all my symptoms that I brought with me to my PCP for him to realize that YES I NEEDED THIS REFERRAL.

I am sure the triage nurse that will be revenging my packet  back in the mail will think i am neurotic! And you know what THAT IS OKAY!!! it will deem me a visit then. I put a note in there that I wanted to be a thorough as possible and that I didn't want to leave anything out. Which i am sure I left things out, but after 4 pages, who the hell wants to keep reading about how shitty a person feels? I also wanted to let them know that I was indeed pregnant but I didn't want them to jump to the decision that well, this is happening because she is pregnant. I wanted to get it in the mail today yet, but it was too late. I will get it in the mail first thing on Monday and hope they get it by Tuesday and I get my call on Wednesday. Oh how great that would be! I for sure need your positive vibes and your prayers if you are the praying type.

okay, its 10pm. My head hurts, my arm hurts, my eye hurts, i have heartburn and baby girl is pulling a gremlin on me again. I need meds and sleep.

Until Later

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