Sunday, March 3, 2013

Blah!!! Blaaaaaah!!! Blaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

I was going to title this blog Death, as in, I feel like it. BUT.....decided that may be a little morbid. Even tho the truth is anxiety is creeping in to night and making me feel like the impending doom is near. I know it's not. I know things will be fine but Blaaaaaaaah! I feel like death. By this point, I probably don't even need to go into details of how I feel and what my symptoms are! Lol you all prolly have em all memorized! So ill just say I think my head is gonna explode, along with my left eye and my ear.
Those of u that are migraine sufferers I have a new respect for u. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that before. I also am jealous that u can take medicine to help ur migraines. I would seriously pay some big money right now if it were ok for me to take 800mg of ibuprofen! Omg glory to god if I could! Lol. Instead I'm laying with my left eye closed to see my iPod with my head on a hot pack. I can take my pulse from the base of my skull. That's how much it's throbbing. Anyway....
I stayed in bed all day today EXCEPT to shower, go to work for an hour, pick up some quick things at target and the pig, and dinner. Otherwise, I have been in bed all day.

While at Target I seriously though about getting a motorized cart!!! I shoulda! I mighta felt better! Of course target didn't have any of the things I needed (bras underwear sweater) so when I got in bed, got the laptop out and ordered from Walmart. I know I know Walmart, but it's the only place that carries what I need, so for now...score. Okay my face is starting to hurt from squinting.
Gotta get to bed, fill u all in on the news tmrw :) I got some good stuff to share!

Until Later

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Please feel free to comment, But please note that I am human and by posting mean hurtful things, you are in fact HURTING my feelings. If you don't have anything nice to say, then you don't need to say anything at all. With that being said....I would love to hear from you =D