Wednesday, March 13, 2013

3 days....

I'm going on 3 days of no Z. I'm starting to think if this is a good idea??? I'm really nauseous right now and am thinking positive thoughts!!!
3 days off Z and still having some mild headaches, and the bizarre eye pressure, and my left arm being numb. I can't honestly say it is better or worse with out the Z. The nausea is obviously.
I thought I'd get a call from my docs office about my local referral, but nothing today!! :( guess I will wait until tmrw. I want to be able to tell the neuro that I have not been on meds for x amount of time but I'm still having symptoms. So they don't just write it off to the meds, or that I'm pregnant like apparently the other place did :(
So dumb!!!
I did some more research on Dr. Google tonight on pregnancy and migraines. More specifically where they r located etc. most are not one sided. But in my multiple pages of research I did find buried in one article, out of the UK maybe??? I don't remember. That some pregnant women who do get migraines can get auras as well. It's like 26% of women get migraines while pg, and 1-2% of them have migraines with Auras. Good god aren't I the lucky one if that is true??? 1% for HG and 1% for pregnancy migraine auras. I should buy a damn lottery ticket!!! Anyway....who knows what the truth to that is??? But for now I'll self Dx while waiting for a real doc.
I'm exhausted. I've been nodding on and off all night!

Until Later

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