Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My body is throwing in the towel, it's done!

That's half my problem :( my OB told me tension headache, but nope... Occipital Neuralgia. The treatment is to get a corticosteroid shot in the back of my head into the nerve.
The next part is that the neuro wants me to have a complete neck MRI but told me, that they are not proven safe nor harmful while pregnant so it would have to be MY decision about having one. Ugh....well, obviously, I don't want to hurt the princess, but I wanna know what the hell is wrong. Guess I wait until after. I should have made the appt now for after so I wont have to wait so long.

Thirdly, the neuro was reading over my ER notes from my (stroke like experience); mind u 3 other docs have gotten this SAME report!!!) , and noticed when the ER doc reported on the EKG they gave me, it showed I had had a minor heart attack prior! Wtf???? Wtf???? How did the ER doc not even mention that to me??? How did 3 other doctors "see" this report and not notice THAT!!!!! Ugh!!!! So the neuro wanted me to have the actual EKG sent to my primary care doc, so he could see it. Well, wtf??? He prolly doesn't know? So he'll have to have a cardio read it???
I'm so over this shit! I can't, I repeat, I can't keep dealing with this. The neuro did say it could very well be a typo and i hope it is.
I'm so over this, I just want my baby and I want my normal life back.
I seriously can't take another thing wrong with me. I just can't. Mentally or physically

Until Later

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