Sunday, November 18, 2012

What the HELL was I thinking??!!!

I didn't take my unisom or B6 last night (prevents nausea and helps me sleep). I was feeling "better" so thought I'd skip it. This morning when I woke up I was feeling good too so I didn't take my 1/2 Zofran. DUMB!!! I was really hoping I was turning a corner.

I just got done vomiting the entire contents (trail mix bar and 12 oz of PRECIOUS juice) of my stomach into the toilet. UGH!!!!!!
My poor daughter got so scared she called the hubs on the phone!

*I just taught her this morning how to use the prepaid cell phone to call the hubs, my mom or 911 (if I am hurt or don't wake up---yes this is the anxiety)
I wrote Grandma: and the #, Dad: #
She called him and was telling him I scared her because I was puking so much. When I got done in the bathroom I got on the phone and explained to him what happened. He said, "Guess I failed, I thought she was just talking to me and nothing was really wrong." I explained to him I just taught her to use the phone. He was impressed.

I hung up with him, took 1/2 a zofran, turned on the TV in our room, crawled in and have my daughter in bed with me watching a movie. I have the heating pad on my left shoulder (don't worry, it's on low) and I'm posting to my blog.

*Sigh* I hate the numb feeling in my left arm, I hate vomiting, I hate the anxiety rushing over me that I may die. (Chances r slim to none that I am actually going to die) But it doesn't mean I don't feel that way.

I honestly believe that if I never would have had "The Stroke Experience" (previous post) I wouldn't have this Anxiety.
----Ahhh....enter stage right....Hyperemisis Gravidarum. ---yeah, the anxiety would still be here, just not as bad. (This is what I tell myself)

Until my next post. I need to sleep. My body is exhausted and my head hurts all over inside and out. The hubs just got home too. Good.

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