Thursday, November 29, 2012

Anxiety Really is an Evil Beast!

I know I am not going to die. Realistically the chances are a bajillion to 1. But yet when anxiety deals u a shitty hand, you feel like u could die at any momenent. I worry that when I go to sleep I wont wake up. I worry that my hubby Oe worse yet my chitlin will find me in the morning. Ugh!! Such horrible thoughts!!! "Normal" people don't have these thoughts. Hell I don't think about it at all when I'm having a good day with little to no HG symptoms. But when the HG takes off and the anxiety says, "Hey u little witch, u forgot about me!!" Then things come crashing down pretty fast. I've already had 1 anxiety attack tonight and I'm on the verge of a second. Hence the second post. I'm working through it. It will pass, and tmrw I will be fine. It just amazes me what stupid games ur mind can play on u. I'm tired but yet insomnia wont let me sleep. I tried counting, but really it doesnt help. Going to sign off, turn my meditation app on and see what I can do. A quick spirituaal prayer first and a hello to my grandma. The world is a vampire. Free tupperware to whoever comments on that song lyric first LOL. PS I'm posting from my kindle since I have a sleep tracker on my ipod. Damn thing is amazing! It knows when ubare awake, it knows when ubare sleeping....damn thing is like Santa! Anyway if there are spelling mistakes or duplicate words or words that just don't make sense....its not my fault. Blame the electronics. Until Later ~J


  1. ugh. sorry to hear you're dealing with panic attacks on top of the HG! glad you're maintaining your weight though!

    smashing pumpkins - do i get free tupperware now? :)

  2. Thank you!!! And of course u get free Tupperware!! I'm good on my word :) if u would like to email me ur address to my blogger email: I would be happy to send u a little gift ;)


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