Monday, November 19, 2012

I Ate McDonalds for the First Time in 8 years! Don't Judge Me!

YES....You read that title right!!! For the first time in 8 years I ate a cheeseburger from McDonalds!!! I have been craving one for a few weeks, and I thought tonight. I better give into this craving, because it just might be something I can ACTUALLY eat! It tasted sooooo good. I also tried a vanilla shake which was recommended by both my OB and my counselor. YEAH...that was not as good and actually I felt sick almost immediately! UGH way to ruin a good thing huh? Now I am just waiting to yak it all up! If I do end up tossing my cookies, I hope I can. Send me those positive vibes! (and don't judge me! LOL)

On a completely different subject I got to have 2 great conversations today!  One via text which works out REALLY well when you are laying in bed waiting for the nausea to pass (which it never does!) and hoping everything stays in. EVEN when you haven't eaten anything. 

The other one the phone later today. Hearing the voice of a good friend really can do wonders for the psyche? How do you spell that word? Huh? oh well, hear some good positive news always makes me smile and lord knows I need it now!

Today somebody text me and told me that my facebook statuses are really depressing and I should try and post something not so sad or pertaining to being sick. At first I was really upset by this. It is my FREAKING Facebook and I can post whatever the hell I want. Then I thought, well yeah they seem so depressing because I have not made my pg facebook official and I don't intend to. So if people don't know what is going on it could seem that way. So, I am going to try to post non medical related posts or anything about feeling like shit. We will see how long that lasts! LOL!!!

Okay, gotta close up the laptop and laydown. I am exhausted.

until later

Okay the spell checker is out of comission, please don't comment on all the spelling mistakes! LOL!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love you and am so proud of you for this! I have to post anonymous but it's really me!


Please feel free to comment, But please note that I am human and by posting mean hurtful things, you are in fact HURTING my feelings. If you don't have anything nice to say, then you don't need to say anything at all. With that being said....I would love to hear from you =D