Saturday, November 17, 2012

Trying to Get Preggers the 2nd time

Our daughter is 4 1/2 right now. When she was born, she was a handful. And not like a first time mom thinks of a handful. She had colic, she projectile vomited multiple times a day, she was lactose intolerant, she hated the swing or the bouncy chair. She just wanted her mama 24/7. It took us awhile to figure out she was lactose intolerant. In fact, she was on the super expensive formula for awhile, you know the kind that is hypoallergenic! yeah....CRAZY! Anyway...Once we figured out the issues, thing went smoothly.

My hubby and I toyed around with the idea of having another baby right away, but we decided to wait a bit. Well a "bit" turned out to be YEARS! After having my daughter I had some major hormone imbalance issues. Rarely got my period, and was just a mess! The hubs and I decided it was best to put baby making on hold and I should go on the pill.

When our daughter was 3 we decided it was time to try and get preggers. So we tried. Nothing happened because I wasn't getting my period. I went to my OB and she said I must have PCOS and put me on Metformin. Have you ever been on Metformin?? That stuff makes you crap! and I don't mean like, "Ooh, I have to go poop."  It;s more like, "OMG I have to go again!!!??? and it is like crapping through a screen!!"  My OB had me start 500mg 3x a day.  I stayed on it for a month and told the hubs my ass was so raw that I just had to stop!  I couldn't take it! PLUS, I was working for an in-home autism program.  Yeah, that doesn't go over well, "Excuse me kiddo while I go destroy your bathroom and hope no one hears!" I did however get my period that month. but nothing else.

My OB then wanted me to go on progesterone. Sounded easy enough, take these little white pills for 10 days and by the end of the next 10 days I get my period and "BOOM" my body jump starts and all is good! EXCEPT my body never jump started. I took it for 4 months. Every time I did get my period, but nothing else.

In November of 2011 I finally decided okay one more try with the Metformin. This time, I only took 500mg one time a day. After 3 weeks, I thought forget this shit! For real! Same problems, and I was not going to deal with that.

I have always been a big girl, but I was close to the heaviest I had been. Not THE heaviest, but I was creeping that way! I knew I had to do something! I called an old friend who I knew was a personal trainer. I asked if I could meet with her. I gave her the run down and she was so excited that she had me all excited!!! We met soon after the call!

So, I had gotten myself all psyched up to be running 2 miles a day and a bunch of push ups, crunchers, etc.  Only come to find out....My personal trainer is 80% diet, 10% exercise, and 10% genetics. OR was it 90, 5, 5? doesn't matter. All I heard was, "Eat better, exercise when you can." I can do this!!

She introduced me to The Paleo Diet. Best thing that ever happened to me. This diet is not for everyone and I strongly suggest that you talk to you health care provider before starting. It took A LOT of learning, and A LOT of prep at first, but within a few weeks, I had it all memorized and knew the ins and outs! By the end of the first month not only had the weight melted off but I had gotten my period for the first time in 2.5 years WITHOUT taking some type of medication! WOOT WOOT!!!! How awesome is that!!!??

I continued being Paleo for 4 months, then I went gluten free. I still was getting my period BONUS! After 6 months of changed diet and getting my period, the hubs and I thought, "No time like the present." I went and bought an ovulation kit.  Well, low and behold, the first month of trying..."BOOM" we were pregnant!!

I knew I was preggers before I peed on the stick. I was was SOOOOO excited!!! =)

It was August of 2012!! And we are going to have a BABY!!!


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