Saturday, November 24, 2012

Life Really Does Hate Me!!! WHY???

*warning* this is gonna be a downer post without a funny spin to it! Okay there are some funny spins. I had to add something to it.

So we go to the ER. I get 2 liters of fluid and I'm feeling great! They even gave me 4mgs of IV zofran. I thought about asking for another 4 before I left but I didn't. I figured we would be home in 35 mins, no worries. WRONG!!!

As soon as I get into the car I can feel it Creepin' I just close my eyes and think, no worries I can do this, I just got 2 freaking liters of fluid I should be good!!! We were approximately 1.5 miles from my parents when I needed the hubs to pull over. I was heaving so hard :x nothing would come out, I wanted to cry, tears streamed down, the drooling started! OMG is this really happening??? I am sooo over this!!! Let me say it again...SOOOOOO over this crap!!! How do women do this more than once?!?!
(Knuckle bumps, high 5s, props, cheers to u all who have). I finally stop heaving and off we got to get the chitlin. Way past her bedtime but is up I'm sure :)

We pull in the hubs runs in grabs daughter and we are headed home before I can even process we actually pulled into my parents.
Get home jump outta the car before its in park and run for the bathroom. I literally was hugging the toilet. Nothing coming up, stomach contracting, and just when u think it couldn't get any tighter, u heave 1 more time taking ur breath away. WTF happened??!!! I JUST got fluids I should feel better!
Now I should tell u I am very particular about my toilet in our bedroom. I will stand and heave and heave all the while I am disinfecting it with bleach wipes. If I vomit, then I do that first, then scrub it down. I need a clean toilet to hug!

Tonight just LOTS of dry heaves so I was able to disinfect while..... I do have to say, tonight is the first time I did actually literally hug The toilet seat. I also folded my arms on the seat and rest for about 3 mins before the heaves started again.

I try to think back on my life and think of what I ever did that was so bad that I deserved to be dealt this hand. I thought about high school and stealing silverware from Perkins, was that really that bad?? Or what about the napkin dispenser from Original Cookie... Uh, that's it, when I took that I put it under my shirt like I was preggers, so did my other friend. Ah dang it!!! Totally being punished for that!!! What else could have it been??????

After I got done hugging the porcelain I got up and took a whole zofran. I thought about taking a full unisom and B6 as well but I didn't wanna be out of it tomorrow . That's what happened last time I took a whole one. I felt like I was walking around in a haze.

Anyway, took the meds, turned on my heating pad, laying on my left side blogging like a fool. I'm totally going to get texter's thumb or whatever they call the new fandangled issues that come up with iPod and cell phone use.

I'm feeling the anxiety hanging over me just waiting for me to make the wrong move so it can sink its vicious fangs in me. Ha, little does it know, I'm not going to let it. ( fingers crossed for me)

Gonna turn my relax melodies and try and sleep. The hubs just made a pizza and the smell is intoxicating!!! GROSS!

Omg! I almost forgot, my urinalysis had bacteria in it and skin cells. The doc didn't know if it was from inside or out, so they are going to culture it. I'm hoping I did okay on the "clean catch" method as I do UAs a lot. I'm kinda good at them. She also told me my urine looked like apple cider. I laughed, it was lighter today than it usually is. She then told me she was glad I came into the ER. I told her I was too.

Okay bloggees
Until Later

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