Friday, November 16, 2012

First Post

Well, my first post. A perfect title for it don't u think??

What is this blog gonna be about? It is about me and my trials and tribulations during my second pregnancy. I realize I need an outlet and this is going to be it.

I hope it doesn't get boring and drawn out and I hope that someone can benefit from it. I will try to only post 1 time a day, but chances are to get through may be more.

A little about me:
I'm from a small town in the Midwest. I'm in my early 30's. I am married and have a beautiful daughter who is 4. Oh, and of course, the reason for the blog...I'm pregnant with our 2nd child!!! This pregnancy was planned. When we first found out we were so excited! :D Now, I just pray to make it through the day. What a switch huh?? I am not a religious person, but I am spiritual. And I believe my spirituality is surely being brought out.

I apologize now for the use of text speak, the use of abbreviations, etc. I will try to use the full word a few times with the abbreviation in ( ) first. Operative word TRY.

Some common used abbreviations:
Dx diagnosis/diagnosed
Pg pregnant/pregnancy
U you
Ur your
U r you are
HG Hyperemisis Gravidarum

I'm sure more will come up.

Okay, well I think that does it for the intros. I leave you tonight with this and will blog more tomrw.

Until then g'night

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