Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Dizziness....and NO Not Because I'm Blonde

I woke up this morning and the room was already spinning! How can that be?? I JUST opened my eyes!! I guess I am going to blame it on the lack of sleep last night. I slept very poorly. I would be in a deep sleep for what seemed like FOREVER....but I would JOLT awake and it would be 20-45 later from the last time I was jolted awake. When the alarm went off this morning I didn't believe it. But I opened 1 eye and yep it was time.
I turned the alarm off and was getting ready to snuggle back in bed with my eyes closed so the room would stop spinning. Just as I was ready to doze back off little chitlin came in to talk. I told her it was snuggle time and that 4 year old snuggled right in and was quiet as can be. She fell back asleep, and my body is stuck in an awkward position. Lol gonna finish this entry and try to fall back asleep. Surprisingly closing one eye helps to not have the room spin.
Until Later

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