Sunday, November 25, 2012

Do I Smell Like Acetone??

Today is the end of the pay period at work, which means I literally drag myself into work to check my time card. I did not shower today, I didn't even brush my hair or teeth. I threw on my favorite winter hat and my favorite hoodie and proceeded to head the 27 mins to work. Yes, I drove, but I continually found my thoughts drifting off about sleeping, being in my warm bed, and hoping to hell I don't run into anyone at work. (I did run into one of my favorite people at work, so it made the trip worth it.) Walgreen's is on the way to my work, so i swung through the drive-thru and dropped off my script for my beloved Zofran.

Where I work, there is no "close" parking. You have to walk a ways. And when you are preggers and have HG the "ways" seems like miles! It took me a good 10 mins to walk to the office, but I did it. I got some things done along with checking my time card. I chatted with my friend who stopped in to check her time card too. Then headed to get my script.

As I was driving to Walgreen's it occurred to me that my OLD OB never once mentioned anything to me about spilling keytones into my urine, but the multiple times I have gone to the ER they have always mentioned it. I decided I was going to see if they had keytone strips there and if they weren't to expensive I was going to buy them. 

Walgreen's what a freaking madhouse!!! It was seriously 4:30pm on a Sunday and you would have thought it was Black Friday!!! As I entered i started second guessing my decision. I pulled my winter hat down a little further and adjusted my sweatshirt ( i wasn't wearing a bra, had to do something!) LOL I finally make my way back to the pharmacy but before I can even go to the counter I needed to sit down. It was probably 5 mins or so, then went to the counter asked about the strips. They had them $10.59 for 50 strips. I have no idea if that is a good deal or not, but I wasn't gonna haggle or ask a million questions. I was going downhill fast. Got the strips and my script and headed to the truck.

I sat in the truck for 15 mins. I couldn't even look outside because everything was spinning by me!
HORRIBLE! I tried drinking some water but it just made me gag. I finally felt good enough to drive. I drove right home and took another 15 min break! Good lord! I'm exhausted! while I was resting i got my test strips and grabbed the directions.

1. pee in cup
2. dip strip in cup
3. wait 15 secs
4. match stick tip to the color on the outside of the vial
5. see if you are spilling keytones and what amount if you are.

I can do this. I did this. And yep, as I already knew I was spilling keytones like crazy!! it was hard to tell if it was moderate or large amount as the shade of purple was right in between.

As i mentioned in a previous post if you are spilling keytones in means your body isn't getting enough carbs and is burning fat or muscle for energy. This isn't really good! also, it makes your blood really acidic.  So I looked up Ketosis on the net. Wikipedia was way above my head and I had no idea what they were talking about as they were using uber medical terms and were talking about chemical compounds. Anyway... I found an article on Medical News Today and this helped me understand it a little more. It also said that when you are in ketosis you may smell like acetone!!! as its one of the chemicals that are made. OMG??!!!! Do I smell like acetone??? that is paint thinner!! If you smell me and I smell like that you better tell me!

okay here are 2 pictures for your enjoyment.

Yes that is some of my urine in the cup. and yes it looks like apple juice! reminder: I had 2 liters of fluids yesterday....believe it or not, this is lighter than it typically is!!!

Here is my result. I think it is right in between moderate and the first large amount square. Even though i already knew I was in ketosis, it is still a shock to see how far into ketosis you are.
Tomorrow I will be calling my NEW OB tomorrow as I have a lot of things I want to talk to him about:
1. move up my appointment. I need to get in way before they scheduled for.
2. dehydration - home health IVs
3. keytones
4. meds - see if I can take it more often
5. headaches/base of skull pain/left side of body issues -eye, shoulder, bicep, and leg.
That doesn't seem like a lot does it? I will let you know how it goes.
Until Later

1 comment:

  1. holy shit J! I need this for chemisty extra credit!


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