Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How Do You Lose 20# in 16 weeks??? Me...I just get pregnant!

Yes, that is sarcasm and Yes, it is true! I had my last appointment today with the "old" OB and i have lost 20 pounds since I got pg. I don't even know what to say about this except THIS IS NOT GOOD! My OB was running about 45 mins behind. For good reason, a baby was being born =D So I wasn't upset about that. I was upset that she did NOTHING about my weight loss and her Medical Assistant didn't say ANYTHING about my apple cider colored urine.  She probably didn't even check it since they were running so far behind.  ALSO, the other thing that freaked me out a little bit was my BP was 133/89. Which IT NEVER has been that high. I have been taking it at home and it has been averaging 98/79. ANYWAY...My old OB wanted me to make a weight check in for next week. I kindly nodded and left her office. Little does she know I will be going for a weight check, just not with her! (insert evil laugh here. No, not really, but I sorta feel that way).

I also thought I should share with you that I did in fact keep down the cheeseburger. I did have some vomiting last night, but the cheeseburger STAYED DOWN! YAHOOOO!!!!

After my OB appt I went to the cafeteria for a late snack. I figured I should try and eat since I was feeling like I could. OB office 3rd floor, Cafeteria basement. NO I DIDN"T TAKE THE STAIRS!! I took the elevator, I shoulda took the stairs. Old lady smell mixed with old spice and cigarette smoke was enough to make my knees week and I almost went down. I had to lean up against the wall, close my eyes, and breathe slooooooowly through my mouth. Once in the cafeteria I made my way to the cold sandwich line. No one was there. Man, I am tired of standing! My legs hurt, I am getting dizzy. I just want a damn sandwich! Finally i get my sandwich (bread and cheese) walk to pay for it and as I am walking to the elevators to leave I had to consciously think, "should I sit and rest or can I make it to my car?" I decided to make a beeline for it. Whew...no one in the elevator with me. Eyes closed, I can make it. I get to my car and sit. I MADE IT!

I sat for about 10 mins just resting. Put the windows down. It was beautiful out. I started taking small bites of my lunch. I was eating a lunch! IT WAS WONDERFUL!!! (yeah I know I am using a lot of caps today but I have a lot to be excited about!) I sat in the car for about 25 mins then headed to do some work at the office.

I was so happy to see my friends at work today. I was sooo nauseous but I put the smile on my face and just smiled through it. My insides were not happy, but I sure made it seem like there was nothing wrong. I miss seeing them, I miss doing work, I miss talking to adults throughout the day. Only 24 more weeks!

Feeling a little sick, gonna take my meds and try to finish this popsicle.

Until later

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