Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hyperemesis Gravidarum--What is this?

Well, I posted this once already from my dumb Ipod, but operator error, and I hit cancel instead of PUBLISH! Ugh can you imagine! I was heart broke! Everything I put in the post GONE! But I guess it is okay because I am now using the laptop and I can put links in. I cant do that from the Ipod. So, Everything happens for a reason right?!

Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)...What the heck is it?

My definition is HELL. That is what it is. Easiest way to describe it. Oh, if it were only that easy. defines HG under the Excerpts Tab:

*"A hyperemetic mother can vomit between four and twenty (or more) times a day for months"
*"losing greater than 5% of your total body weight is one clinical indication supporting a diagnosis of severe HG."
*Electrolyte imbalance
*Carbohydrate depletion and Ketonuria ---Once your body doesn't have carbs to burn for energy it starts to burn fat as well as taking energy from muscles and organs. This creates keytones. Which make your blood acidic. You are considered to be in starvation mode.

Sounds like a great time huh? NOT!

Here are some additional resources that I have used to make myself knowledgeable about HG as my OB FAILED to!

Her Foundation Hyperemesis Education and Foundation
American Pregnancy Association
Baby Center ---once you sign up for your free profile you can look into the Groups, the Hyperemesis Suffers Group is amazing!

There are MANY MANY blogs as well that have a plethora of information! I wish I would have favorited (yes another "real" word!) them all so I could give you a list. Maybe I will work on that for another post.

So...this post, you have to do a little of the footwork yourself. I apologize for that, but really, everyone needs to procrastinate at some time or another. =-) Take this time to learn some info about HG and have some compassion.

Today, I vomited 10 times. And no I don't mean 10 heaves during ONE trip to the loo.  No, I mean 10 SEPARATE trips to the bathroom emptying the precious contents  of my belly right into the crapper.  SO DEPRESSING!!! I should really just start throwing my food right into the crapper. It wouldn't HURT nearly as much!

TMI warning....Have you ever been puking so much, so fast, so hard, that you actually feel like you are suffocating?!! That it can't come out fast enough or go back down fast enough? You are bawling, your nose just runs, despite all attempts to stop it, and in between the heaves when you are TRYING to catch your breath, your mouth just NON-STOP waters...Oh you have?? Okay no imagine having that up to 20+ times a day! Or like me today 1o times. Holla!!! who wants to take my place?!  Oh you haven't...Well, you are lucky and I am so jealous of you I hate you right now! =D

What gets me through these times??? The little avocado in my belly.  (Not literally!!!) but I think that is what my baby calendar said how big Baby F is. Maybe a little bigger. I think of the end of this pregnancy, I think of what all the other woman I have read about or have talked to say, it is almost instant, the minute they cut the cord and you are holding your baby: BOOM!!! Instant relief and you get to hold the prize! AMAZING!!!

**I should state at some point, I classify myself with Moderate HG. Some of the things I do are severe (the nausea and the weight loss 17 pounds so far in 16 weeks), but overall I am moderate.

Some women require a picc line with TPN, (nutrients right into their veins, actually the picc line is in the vein and stops just 2 inches shy of the heart) an NG tube, or a PEG tube feeding tube, constant IV fluids, home health care, etc.

I have realized 2 things (did I post this already?)
1. I am not alone
2. It could be worse

okay, it is late, I need to sleep in hopes of being able to work tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I know i mentioned this before, I am not a religious person but i sure have been praying a lot more lately. surprisingly not always to God, but to my Grandma. I really do miss her!

send the good vibes my way

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