Monday, May 20, 2013

Why do things work out like this???

So when things are going well, and I make a statement that they are going well.....why does something have to happen to make it not...whatever do I mean u ask??? Let me explain: 
Tonight I went to bed a little after 11. Every night before I close my eyes I take my medicine. Which I did tonight. Baby decided to get up at 12:30, so that only have me approx 1.5 hours of sleep from my meds. Which in turn, is not enough and I get a little panicky. Not to mention....I'm having that left side back pain. I'm going to try and sleep through it tonight if I can once baby goes to sleep. If not, I will try some Tylenol again and hope it works. I'm already feeling the anxiety build. Time for positive affirmations and prayers that baby goes back to sleep quickly! Lol 

Addition 4:40am:
I tried sleeping through the pain. It lasted about 15 mins and then I had to get up. I took some Tylenol and after writhing in pain for 40 mins it finally went away enough for me to sleep. Only for me to be jolted awake an hour later in the same damn pain!!!  I'm up now feeding the baby and the pain is boarderline intense,  with me crying. I really have no idea what I have done to deserve all this $hit to happen to me. It really really isn't fair!! But who ever said life was fair? 

Funny thing is, no anxiety with this. Prolly because its real! Although being jolted awake has some panic factor to it. 

Now to decide what I need to do..
Go to urgent care before my MRIs, after my MRIs but before my therapy appt, or after that??? Guess it will depend on if the pain goes away or not!!!  

I really shoulda bought a lottery tix the other day! I coulda possibly won, seeing what my odds are.  

I'll keep u posted. 

Until Later

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