Sunday, May 5, 2013

Finally!!!! My birth blog!!!!

We went into the hospital just before 1pm on Monday, April 29. Got settled in and they broke my water. Once they broke it they noticed it was a greenish color, not clear like it should be. So that means that baby had a BM (meconium) in utero. As a precaution they have the nicu there when the baby is born.
So after a couple hours and my water being broke, I only had 1 contraction. So they decided to start pitocin; or as I call it the devil!
It started slow, no problems. Well, within 5 mins I was having full on contractions!!! OH BOY!!! The rule is u can't get an epidural without ur doc there. Mine just happened to still be working at the clinic. He got there in a decent amount of time as I was REALLY in A LOT of pain!!! A LOT!!! The anistesiologist (sp) showed up did some explaining and he started the epi. I was at 6 cm. and the epi wasn't working!!! My left foot was numb...that's about it!!! In about 45 mins I went from 6-10 with only my left leg numb from the knee down!!! The contractions were wicked insane and all I could do was inhale, exhale, was the worst pain ever at the time, now I can't even remember it! A few pushes and at 8:47pm and Chitlin 2 was born!!!! She was blue but making noise. The nicu nurses who are awesome, took care of her. I couldn't see everything, but the hubs said they deep suctioned her, and one of the nurses, Michele, did tell me that she was on the Cpap machine for a few mins, but came around quickly. I think that I heard them report that her R lung didn't inflate at first, but it came around and she did great!!
I was praying for the instant HG relief, but it didn't come :/
The hospital stay went well and we came home on Wednesday :)

Until later

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