Monday, May 13, 2013

Should be sleeping but I am not go figure

So another ER trip last night. It was horrible I had a really bad attack of shortness of breath (SOB) and dizziness, lightheaded ness. I'm so over all this crap. ER doc was great!!! I really liked him...a lot!!! He had me do a chest X-ray with contrast. Whoo that stuff is wicked!!!! And it makes u feel like u have wet urself even tho u don't. Anyway...everything came back ok. No blood clots in my lungs!! That's great!!! But now what is causing my SOB????

Well, not even 10 mins ago I'm laying in bed and the back of my head (left side) starts to hurt...a lot. Enough to wake me up. The pain surges and causes me to get really nauseous, dizzy, and I start to panic (a little). I try to go back to sleep but I'm too nauseous and ill admit, a little afraid.  Once 8 rolls around, I'm calling the neuro and I'm telling them, I'm not waiting until the 22nd for them to "see" me again AND then wait for an MRI. I want this completed NOW!!! And I'm glad I had this experience this morning because I can explain it first hand!!

I'm also going to tell my doc I don't want to take the propranolol anymore (it gives me the runs!!) , but I'm open to taking the Celexa (which I haven't started yet). Hopefully the OB will be good with that. I'm sure he will be. 

I'll fill u in on my phone call and my appt.

Gonna get ready now that I'm awake :/

Until later

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