Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sooo sorry for being on hiatus!!!

There has been sooo much happening in our lives, I just can't keep up with it all. Not to mention the fact that I AM STILL SICK!!!! Not 100% with HG, but it lingers. For the most part my nausea has gone away along with the a blink of an eye it will hit me so hard, at any instant (lately at night) that I'm puking in the toilet before I'm able to clean it!!!! Those of you that are loyal readers know....I DO NOT puke in a dirty toilet!!! Well, Thursday of this week....I did! Oh the humanity!!! The food aversions are stronger than ever!!! I cannot get past them. I know I'm just short of 2 wks postpartum, but damn it...I wanted to be able to eat that seriously greasy bacon cheeseburger!!! Now just typing that makes me wanna GAG!!! I have been trying SO hard to keep up on my fluids as well. No such luck :( despit how hard I try even getting 60+oz in, isn't cutting it. 

I've been to the ER twice in 2 weeks. Last week and this week. Hence twice in 2 weeks. Anyway....I went in for heart palpitations (which I have been told TWICE now are "typically harmless" yay, but they still scare the shit out of me!) difficulty breathing, and chest pain. Both visits resulted in IVs due to dehydration. Both resulted in EKG hook ups. One displaying bradycardia (slow heart rate) the other was fine. One visit got me hooked up to the big monitors for observation where they watched my blood pressure climb and climb and climb. The other the doc said, "meh ur not too bad, nothing to really worry about. One did a head CT and a chest X-ray after they saw my BP go to 180/100 while I sat on the uncomfortable gurney. I've never seen a nurse move so fast in my life. ER visit one---unexplained High blood pressure. Offered to admit me for observation (oh thank you god!!! Yes!!!), but clearly said, chances ate they won't find anything in such a short stay, and of course your baby (who was 4 days old) can't stay with you unless your husband chooses to stay but he wouldn't be very comfy as they don't actually have places for visitors to "sleep." OK well thanks ill follow up with my PCP
Second ER trip suggested I have a halter monitor for at least 72 hours. I'd actually prefer that!!! Anyway...
Called my PCP after both ER visits. 1st one he prescribes me Celexa for headaches and anxiety I am sure, even though he didn't come right out and say it. He tells me it is safe to take while breast feeding. I get the script and right on the not BF while on this med. well, guess I won't be taking it then.  2nd call he gives me another script propranolol ER 60mg. "Safe" while BF. so I try it. Today was day 2. It hasn't made a difference yet. Its only day two. OH crap!!! I left the italics on that whole time!!!! Ugh that's lame!! Did research on both and both can be a really scary med, but can also be very helpful. However, when taking them together they have moderate contraindications!! Ugh omg!!! Seriously!!!! So at this point I still have not started the Celexa. And prolly won't unless he'd rather me on that instead of the propranolol. 

So most of yesterday I was having the worst chest pain and shortness of breath. Didn't matter what I was doing it hurt/bothered me the same. As the night went on it was more of a not being able to catch my breath along with a nagging cough that I've had for the past couple weeks. Hubby convinced me NO ER....but I think I will go today. It's been hours and everything all still hurts!! I hope my parents can watch the girls. 


So Google is not a doctor, and when u know u shouldn't be looking symptoms up on it......u totally do. Mine all comes back to the same answers I'm either having a heart attack, angina, have a pulmonary embolism, anxiety/panic attacks ( which these are most likely) EXCEPT something popped up this time that hasn't before and it really got me to start thinking about it----adult asthma!!!   Which can be induced by PREGNANCY!!!! I couldn't believe it! As I was reading it I was hanging on every word as it is exactly how I feel!! All the symptoms everything. That is why is like to go to the ER to have them check it. 

I'll keep u posted!!! I'm going to try to sleep before the baby wakes up... Not sure It is possible, but I'm gonna try! 

Take care
Until Later

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