Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Doc appt

Well, it went okay but not exactly how I wanted lol. I wanted to stop the propranolol bcuz of the horrible side effect of diarrhea!!! Yuck!!!! And really I think that my pulse/heart rate is okay. But dr wants me to give it another week to see how it goes. I'm willing to try, but would rather not. 
He also told me he wants me on the Celexa. Which I told him now that I am not breast feeding :( I'm okay with taking it. With the events going on in my life I feel that it is a good choice. I had been on Celexa before years ago, but never while on another med and definitely not while having hormonal changes!!! I am not opposed 1 bit to take it tho to help with my anxiety! 

So ever since my HG and taking a billion pills a day, I have become hyper aware about not taking a bunch of pills all at the same time. I space them out. At the least...15 mins apart but ideally an hour or more. It can be challenging, but tonight I managed Tylenol, wait 30 mins, propranolol, wait 1 hour, then Celexa. I fell asleep fast. I fell asleep hard (this kind of bothered me because I don't want to be "out of it") but I heard the baby so I wasn't to out of it. But then I was awaken by a burning sensation at the base of my skull. Of course I looked it up while half asleep and it is a very common side effect, but OUCH!!! It really felt like I was being burned. 

Anyway...no halter monitor for now, going to try these meds. Meeting with my therapist on Thursday about my anxiety due to my HG. I'm kind of anxious for that. Go figure! Lol I am hoping to really be able to talk through a bunch of things and am interested on her insight of HG suffered and PTSD. Because I would say I truly qualify!!! 

Until Later

Oh I almost forgot. Called my neuro and he is out until Wednesday. So hopefully I will hear back by them. 

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