Sunday, June 2, 2013

What came first??

What came first?? The anxiety or the thought/awareness of the anxiety?? What a flippin' conundrum!!! I've been trying to figure out what my trigger is for my anxiety...and I keep coming back to that episode that I had at 6 weeks pregnant that I call my "stroke episode" but have been made aware it was most likely my first response to HG. After that day, every ache, pain, cramp, tingle I was convinced I was going to die. It was such a scary experience. When u lose the ability to speak intelligibly.....along with other symptoms, it scares the crap out of you!!! So now I have to truly figure out, what is triggering my anxiety?? I'm thinking honestly my anxiety is triggering my anxiety!! I will get an anxiety symptom ie: burning sensation in my neck. I instantly think blood clot or aneurysm. Logically no this is not what is going to happen, BUT it causes me to perseverate on those thoughts. SO here's the question: What caused the anxiety symptom of the burning neck? I was doing everyday stuff, nothing different. And BOOM snowball effect!! YIKES!!!
Food for thought!!! I posted in a forum tonight that my subconscious must always be anxious and just never wants to tell me why! Ill keep working on it! I'll get this figured out!!! 

Today I'm thankful for my mother in law. Not only was she the most caring and loving person I have ever met, she was the best darn MIL a girl could ever ask for! She's give u the shirt off her back and then give u money to buy yourself new ones! She will be greatly missed. 

Until Later

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