Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rude awakening...hungry baby

Well tonight I was woke up by 2 things....
1. An anxiety attack
2. A hungry infant

How do these work together you ask?? Well they don't!!! And typing now while feeding said hungry infant while trying to distract myself from said anxiety attack is equally hard!!! 

I'm going to be okay, I know that!!! But my heart feels like it is going to beat right out of my chest!!! And a crying, hungry, infant doesn't help that initially!! 

I warmed up a bottle and while waiting I drank 2 glasses of ice water!! Blech!!! I dislike water so much!! But I know it is important. 

So as I type and hungry infant is almost in a food coma, I start to think, "what the hell caused this attack that I am having??!!!" 

It could be a couple things:
*i was VERY busy this AM/afternoon
*i did not drink enough fluids today :(
*i finally began grieving the loss of a loved  one
*worried about my job
*baby stirring/moving around startled me
*my subconscious knows something I don't know!

I am sure if it was one of these things it's ALL of these things!!! Lol <<<<I say lol but really that is probably the most truthful statement I've made yet!!! 

Another thing I'm worried about, well not worried about, but thinking a lot about the last 2 days (ok yes that means worrying about!!) is signs of being diabetic. I have a few signs and with eating only sugars and simple carbs due to my HG, it wouldn't surprise me if I was. Or at least pre-diabetic. 

I'm hoping this isn't the anxiety that is making me think this way and that I really am aware and worried about the symptoms. I'm pretty sure it's worth being tested for. What can it hurt to have a simple blood test done? in food coma, my eyes hurt, and my anxiety slowing....time to listen to pandora and go to bed. Thanks for listening xoxo

Today I'm thankful for....(what did I post on FB??? Doesn't matter) my friends who read my blog and give me continued support. Without you all, I'd be nowhere writing for no one. Hugs!!!

Until Later
~ J 

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