Friday, September 13, 2013

First one in a while!

Hi everyone!!! Long time no write. I think it's been close to 2 months if not slightly longer. 
I was rocking the baby tonight after feeding her not thinking of anything in particular but having what I would describe as mini muscle jerks in my shoulders. Almost like a "tic" like when u are uncomfortable and ur body adjusts. Anyway, I'm sitting there and my chest begins to BURN, and I mean the someone is burning u with fire burn!!! It quickly moves below my breasts and then to my arms. I walk very quickly into our bedroom where I proceed to tell my husband I am having a panic attack. He aka why and then listens then goes back to bed. I lay the baby down on our bed and grab my Xanax. I take only 1/2 of .25
I have no idea if that little amount is going to help. At this point my skin is burning!!!!!!!i touch my skin and it is HOT to the touch!!! I take the temporal thermometer and it only reads 97.7-98.7 so frustrating! Where is all this burning heat sensation coming from?? Yikes!! It's been about 5 mins and the burning is going away but still there. I think the Xanax is working to help calm me down. 
I'm still so frustrated with why this happens to me at night and that I'm not "thinking" of anything. I was just sitting in the recliner rocking the baby. Nothing different from any other night. 
Ugh!!! I made it through but yikes!!
This crap is for the birds!
Until Later 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Yoga yoga yoga.

I did it tonight and boy, I am out of shape!!!! Go figure right?! I even managed some tummy crunchers. I'm feeling good about what I did. Now to keep it up! I will!!! I have to, for a better me! 

Until Later

Monday, September 9, 2013

Migraines.....they make me Happy :D NOT!!!

So, I don't have another Neuro appt until Dec 23rd. I don't know if I can wait that long. Well of course I CAN, BUT I don't know if I will want to. So how can I fix this??? How can I "fix" my migraines. My hormones, my pain, etc....the easiest way...going Paleo! I am going to have to. I was hoping to "ease" into it and just be gluten's not working!!! I am going to have to cut out ALL grains. It's going to be hard, but I have to do it. I can't, NO, I won't live like this anymore. Starting tmrw, I am going to be as Paleo as I can be until payday Friday.'s  on. I will feel better, I will be healthier and really....who doesn't want to look. Feel, and BE better??? I better get my journal out too. 
So instead of being down and frumpy even tho I'm in lots of pain, I am going to be positive and make a plan!!! If I don't take care of me who will??? Let's throw some yoga into the mix too! I can do it!!! 

Until Later,