Friday, August 2, 2013

This is an anxiety attack!!!

I am okay!!! This is what Anxiety does to me. I cannot be hurt by this. However, my shoulders and chest feel like they are on fire!!!! Whew!!!! And my arm!!! Oh lord!!!! Oh does this hurt!!!! It will pass!!! This is only part of my anxiety and nothing is really wrong with me. Oh lord!!! I have had nothing like this before!!!! I've had a little burning and just here and there but not like this!!!! What caused this????? Oh boy!!!! I'm extremely nauseated!!!!! 
[I was feeding the baby, I set her down and began pacing, I became hotter and I ran my arms under the ice cold water]
Okay, I'm okay things are going to be fine!!! I am going to take a rescue med, just half since its so late. 
Oh, I'm going to be okay, there is nothing wrong with me, this is just my anxiety. I can control this!!! Anxiety doesn't define me!!! [pick baby back up, start rocking her, I need a distraction]

Whew!!!! That was by far was and still is the most intense burning I have ever had!!! I almost jumped in a freezing cold shower!!! Instead I put the baby down and ran my arms under the sink, then needed to take my shirt off because my back felt like it literally was on fire!!!! I ran my arms under the sink and then did some heavy pacing waking up my husband telling him I needed to call 911 because something wasn't right!!!! He told me to relax and to calm down. I continued to pace breathing Lamaze like. I made him touch my skin on my back because it was so hot and burning and he said it was actually cold!!!! I was soo confused!!!! I took 1/2 a rescue med and picked up the baby and now I'm rocking her as I type this and my body is no longer on fire. I am walking a right rope, this is my life....

Dear lord....thank you for helping me get through yet another one of these evil attacks!!!! I am stronger than I think I am!!! And as hard as this was, I survived!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sounds intense! Way to go for talking yourself through it! :)


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